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吳致怡  /   文圖

生於台灣台北,曾任職於Daniel Wong擔任印花設計師,後辭職於國立交通大學應藝術研究所就讀。現則長期擔任社團法人花蓮縣牛犁社區交流協會設計師。負責產品設計、地方視覺、平面設計等。因接觸社區工作,開始關注女性議題,以及社區營造、社區設計、在地社區文化的保存與活化等相關地方實踐工作。希望之後能多花點時間看周星馳的電影,因為從小到大,只要有人跟我說周星馳的電影台詞、笑話,我都從來跟不上 。

Things She Never Said

by  Chih-Yi Wu (abwu)

As a visual artist, Chih-Yi Wu has been devoting her attention and effort to women’s issues, community design, and practical endeavors to preserve and activate local community cultures since she started engaging in community work.




The picture book Things She Never Said illustrates the elder women's experience of menstruation in Taiwan, created from the perspective of a contemporary woman and based on true stories collected through interviews.


The interviews revealed that menstruation was perceived as women’s secret in traditional society. Menstrual taboos and concealment have not only influenced the women’s self-identity of women of previous generations but also impacted the development of females of our generation.


Starting from “understanding ourselves or others’ experiences and feelings of menstruation,” Things She Never Said dedicate to raise awareness of women’s rights. It is suitable for girls who are about to start their periods. This book is not only for teenage girls but also for parents to talk about menstruation with their children. Little by little, it can make people feel comfortable to discuss every single change of our body while growing up.

Selected Award and Exhibitions:


National Chiao Tung University  ARTS CENTER, Group Exhibition,2019.01.03-2019.01.25, Hsinchu, Taiwan


Ninth International Conference on the Image, 2018.11.03-2018.11.04,Hong Kong Baptist University,Wing Lung Bank Building, Hong Kong


UNKNOWN ASIA ART EXCHANGE OSAKA 2018, 2018.09.14-2018.09.16, Group Exhibition, ハービスホール, Osaka, Japan


INDEPENDENT ART FES. , Group Exhibition,2017.06.23-2017.06.25,SCCP, Taipei, Taiwan


UNKNOWN ASIA EXTRA, Group Exhibition,2016.11.21-2016.12.28,中之島ダイビル, Osaka, Japan


UNKNOWN ASIA ART EXCHANGE OSAKA 2016, 2016.09.30-2016.10.02,Group Exhibition, ハービスホール, Osaka, Japan


DPI The 10th Creative Design Competition, Group Exhibition, 2015.02.10 - 2015.04.08, Epson Imaging Gallery, Taiwan


DPI The 10th Creative Design Competition , Group Exhibition, 2015.1.23-2015.2.1 , Museum of Contemporary Art(MOCA TAIPEI)


DPI The 10th Creative Design Competition”FILL THE  BLANK”. Wacom Special Award


Opendata Innovative Applications Competition , Group Exhibition ,TICC ,Taiwan


Opendata Innovative Applications Competition , Special Award


National Student Art Competition, Chinese Brush Painting , honorable mention

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吳致怡  |《她沒說的》月經繪本.   

Copyright © 2023 WU CHIH YI 吳致怡 (abwu)  . All rights reserved.

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